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History and Heritage

Recently we were privileged to have a few days away on the Yorke Peninsula. Absolutely magnificent area. The coast lines, the history and heritage of the region, and the elements – that day, straight off the Antarcticfreezing, we knew we were alive.

Looking at one of the many cliff-lined coasts I was in awe of its beauty. As I marvelled at the sight, I began to realise that it hadn’t started out like this, that the elements had moulded and eroded it. When God formed this coast line it was perfect, beautiful, strong and capable of doing what it was created to do, but over the years the elements had battered, bruised, and tried to re-face, re-define and destroy it. Parts had fallen off, some small, others huge. Some had fallen on ledges, some on the sand below, while others fell totally into the sea, never to be seen again. However, through it all the cliff stands strong, resilient, defying elements and with every new layer that is exposed, shows itself to be even more magnificent, while still doing what it was purposed to do.

I recognised that this cliff was much like us. We are created perfect, been given a purpose and placed just where God wants us to grow, flourish and experience life. We all know life is not always easy. We are battered and bruised, experiences try to re-shape, re-define and destroy us.

Unlike the cliff we have tried to protect ourselves, by building up walls, or finding ways to escape, but everyday we are constantly exposed to life. The protective mechanisms that we build up are challenged, however there are times when we draw that line, and make a stand, and those parts that were necessary for a time we allow them to fall away, some little by little, others in bigger amounts and some gone forever.

Like the cliff, where some of itself only fell onto ledges, we too only slowly release a fear, insecurity or a bad habit, giving it the ability to still have an effect in our lives from time to time. Other issues in our life we let go of more easily but again can allow them to come back, while others we let go totally and they no longer have a hold on us and we confidently move forward never looking back, exposing the beauty that is in us.

I’ve discovered that while I am standing in faith on His Word, God is helping me to not be ashamed of the beauty that He has placed in me and to fulfil my purpose, and not be hindered by the protective mechanisms that I have built up.

As the sun rises each day I rise, strong, resilient, ready to defy the elements of life and with every new layer that is exposed, a more beautiful, unique, victorious, dignified, joy-filled daughter grows in her purpose despite what is thrown at me.

As the sun goes down I know the issues of that day have only made me more resilient and encouraged me that I am more than able to conquer all that the next day has in store.
I am a daughter of a king, who is not moved by the world, for my God is with me and goes before me, I do not fear because I am HIS!

God promises in John 16:33 (AMP) “I have told you these things, so that in Me you may have [perfect] peace and confidence. In the world you have tribulation and trials and distress and frustration; but be of good cheer [take courage; be confident, certain, undaunted]! For I have overcome the world. [I have deprived it of power to harm you and have conquered it for you.]