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A New Year to ReNew


With 2015 almost here, people are contemplating New Year resolutions. How often do we start with good intentions and then very quickly find it all too hard and often uninspiring. Perhaps this year let’s find our inspiration . . . for a better, more successful, and an inspiring challenge through the Word of God.

Matthew 6:33 says, “…seek (aim at and strive after) first of all His Kingdom and His righteousness (His way of doing and being right), and then all these things taken together will be given you besides.”

Psalm 105:1-5 has ten great ways for us to start each day.

1. Give PRAISE to the Lord
2. PROCLAIM His name
3. MAKE KNOWN His deeds among the peoples
4. SING to Him, sing praises to Him
5. MEDITATE ON and TALK of all His wondrous deeds
6. GLORY in His Holy Name
7. Let the hearts of those REJOICE who seek the Lord
8. LOOK to the Lord and His strength
9. SEEK His face and presence always
10. REMEMBER His marvellous deeds that He has done, His miracles and wonders

So what if, each day we:
PRAISE HIM first before beginning our day
PROCLAIM HIS name before proclaiming ours
Make KNOWN what He has done before telling others what we have done
SING praises to HIM before uttering a word
Tell of HIS wondrous acts before bragging on our own
GLORY in HIS name before trusting in others
REJOICE in Him before comparing, controlling or complaining
LOOK to HIS strength before depending on yours
SEEK HIS face always before being swamped in the concerns of the day
REMEMBER the wonders HE has done before we forget, and journal them
. . . then I believe that 2015 would be our year of blessings, experiences, and fulfilments in every area of our lives, because of His Indescribable Gift . . . Jesus Christ!

I pray starting today that my relationship with the Lord grows stronger, deeper, and that I am more dependent on Him?
How about you?