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KINDNESS – Pass it on!


Have you ever been on the receiving end of someone unexpectedly doing something that turned your day around? Whether it was a small gift of kindness or just a timely gift of kindness.

Sometimes that small act of kindness turns the impossible into a day full of sunshine, hope and love.

What do you have that you can help turn someone’s day around?

Hebrews 13:16 says: “Let’s not neglect what is good and share what we have, for these sacrifices also please God.” (The Voice)

Share a smile  Say “hello”  Leave a thank you note  Give a Flower  Eat lunch with someone new  Listen with your heart  Visit a sick friend  Be tolerant  Offer a hug  Give an unexpected gift  Open a door  Weed a neighbours garden  Make a new friend  Pick up litter  Call a lonely person  Plant a tree  Offer your seat  Pass a kindness on  Buy someone a meal  Cheer a friend up  Bake a cake for someone  Lend a hand  Respect others  Help carry a load  Celebrate the day  Walk the dog  Give a balloon  Do a favour  Drive courteously  Be patient  Be generous  Give a compliment  Forgive mistakes  Offer a ride  Cheer up a friend  Thank a shop assistant  Read to a child  Let someone go first  Give some groceries to a family