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Broken Crayons Still Colour


As a child, whenever a crayon broke I would reject it and pick up a new complete one, because only the best would do. As an adult, I learnt very quickly that even broken crayons colour.

Like so many people I have met and had coffee or a meal with, it’s their journey of life that brought colour into their day – whether it was with laughter or tears, completeness or brokenness, smooth or chipped, short or tall, there are no perfect crayons in this world, but all their colours blend perfectly.

Just like the colouring books – we can be restricted to lines and rules of others, or our own expectations. Waiting for that right moment to start enjoying life deprives us of the colour and beauty of the moment right now.

It’s possible to create a masterpiece with a broken set of crayons.

2 Corinthians 5:17 says, “Therefore if anyone is united with the Anointed One (Jesus Christ), that person is a new creation. The old life is gone and see a new life has begun.”

The lyrics to a song written by Bill & Gloria Gaither . . .
Something beautiful, something good
All my confusion He understood
All I had to offer Him was brokenness and strife
But He made something, beautiful of my life.

You may be broken, but you are still valuable!

Ephesians 2:10 says, “We are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things He planned for us long ago.”

We can all walk with our heads held high, straight and tall, wrapped perfectly, sharpened for all that life brings our way.

Colour your smile brightly with laughter, rejoicing, being the perfect version of you that God has created anew. Circumstances will always try to break you, but even brokenness can create a masterpiece.

Paint your world today with God’s Word. His promises over you bring wholeness, fulfillment and life filled with bright colours blending perfectly together.

Zig Ziglar writes:
“It’s not what happens to you in life,
It’s how you respond to what happens to you,
That makes a difference.”

Your smile can help others through!