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Who is this Jesus?

No measure of means can define His limitless love
No barrier can hinder Him from pouring out His blessings
He forgives and He forgets… He creates and He cleanses
He restores and He rebuilds… He heals & He helps
He reconciles and He redeems… He comforts & He carries
He lifts & He loves… He’s the God of the second chance
The fat chance & slim chance & when there is no chance

He discharges the debtors… He delivers the captives
He blesses young… He defends the feeble
He serves the unfortunate… He regards the aged
He rewards the diligent … He beautifies the weak
He is the seat of Knowledge … He is the wellspring of Joy
He’s the foundation of faith… He’s the doorway to deliverance
He is the pathway to peace… He’s the roadway to righteousness
He’s the Gateway to glory… He’s the highway to Happiness

He saved the hopeless… He’s sustained the homeless
He shields the helpless… He gives purpose to the aimless
He gives reason to meaningless… He gives fulfilment to our emptiness

He guards the young… He finds the lost
He guides the faithful… He rights the wrong
He avenges the abused… He defends the weak
He comforts your loss… He welcomes the prodigal
He heals the sick… He cleanses the dirty
He purifies the meagre… He restores the failure
He defends the broken… He fills the empty
He blesses the poor… He clothes the naked
He satisfies the Hungry… He elevates the lowly
He forgives the sinner… He raises the dead

His yoke is easy… His burden is light
He is indestructible… He is indescribable
He is incomprehensible… He is inescapable
He is invincible … He is irresistible… He is irrefutable
HE is the Lion… He is the Lamb… He is God
He is a man… He is the King of the Jews
He is the King over Israel
He is the King of righteousness the King of the Ages
The king of Heaven and the King of Kings and the Lord of Lord
He is mighty and strong eternally steadfast
He is immortally gracious… He is entirely sincere
He is imperially powerful… He’s impartially merciful
He’s the greatest phenomena ever to rise on the horizon of the globe
He is God’s Son and He’s my Saviour… My Jesus the Shepherd of my soul
Jesus the resurrected Lord… Jesus who resurrected from the dead
Jesus who saved me from sin & degradation
Jesus who redeemed my life forevermore.

Adapted from: ‘That’s My King’ by Dr. S.M. Lockridge