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Happy New Year!

The Joy of the Lord is my strength… I will praise Him in all that I do!

What a beautiful thought to welcome the New Year!

Happy New Year, friends!

What is God challenging you to this year?

What if we were to view our challenges this year as more than just something working against us, but rather something God is working through us to grow us spiritually, physically and mentally?

What if we trusted God fully to get us through the challenges we face instead of trying to deal with them in our own strength?

And what if we looked at our next big challenge as something God is trusting us with?

King David wrote that the “LORD is my strength and shield.  I trust HIM with ALL my heart.  He helps me, and my heart is filled with joy.  I burst out in songs of thanksgiving.” (Psalm 28:7NLT)

We read throughout the Bible, New Testament and the Old testament of God’s people having challenges in their lives.  What an encouragement for us!  No matter how difficult their challenge was their faith and trust in their God brought them through to a better place.  God’s plan was not only to grow them and bless them but most importantly, that they brought Glory to His kingdom and showed others that a challenge can change their life for the better!

God uses challenges time and time again.   Here’s three reasons that God trusts us with challenges:

  • To grow us in wisdom
  • To show us we need Him
  • To draw others to Him

A challenge is something God has trusted us with to bring about His Greater Glory.

What has God given you to do that you have put off doing?

God will not give you more than you can handle, if you have a big challenge you have a big destiny!

God made you one of a kind, He doesn’t make mistakes! You ARE adequate, you ARE enough!

What is God birthing in you?

Happy New Year… May He give you the desire of your heart and make your plans succeed! (Psalm 20:4)